- Order number: TL-03130
Auch nutzbar als Funkgeräteholster für viele gängige Modelle!
Flame-retardant holster to fix at the shoulder belt. (without contents)
Loading recommendation
1x torch with angular head
• flame resistant material, tested in a 6-burner test at 950 (± 50 °C) like respiratory protection full-face masks class 3
• emergency release appliance
• the mobility of the wearer is not inadmissible restricted
• the physical burden on the wearer is not increased disproportionately
• the protective function of other PPE is not endangered
material: rtx® 950
dimensions: 19 x 8.5 x 6 cm
weight: 0.08 kg
meets the following requirements of DIN 14922:2020-02 (Multi purpose bag for fire service use):
• 6.1.1 limited flame spread
• 6.1.3 tensile strenght
• 6.1.4 tear strength
• 6.1.5 dimension change
• 6.2 closure system
• 6.3.2 emergency release device
• 10 Instructions for use
Ideal holster for torches with angular head to fix at the shoulder belt.
An emergency release appliance, which releases at a force of 250-300 N, minimises the risk of getting stuck.