rescue-tec – on-site!
Ever since the company was founded in 1997, a competent field service with practical experience has been a matter of course. Expert employees are available for products in need of explanation from the various areas of our range (fire brigade, THW, occupational safety, first aid and rescue service). If you are interested, we would be happy to arrange flexible appointments at your location, including outside normal business hours.
+49 6482 6089-00
Monday to Friday from 7 am to 4 pm
rescue-tec – individual product development and small series production
Individual solutions are implemented by the prototyping team in Runkel. The prototypes are sewn according to the draft, followed by a detailed check by the customer. Change requests are uncomplicated and implemented in a few weeks or even days.
This ensures that your product fits your needs exactly - a customized carrying solution.
Joachim Leiter
product development
+49 6482 6089-17
Your procurement – our service
As an independent specialist retailer, we create individual offers and regularly take part in tenders. The legally required documents/certificates are available, so that we can also offer via the common tendering platforms.
After registering in our online shop at, you have a 24-hour availability to start an ordering process. You will receive current delivery time information, shipping confirmations and invoices in ZUGfERD format or the XRechnung, if desired, via e-mail.
rescue-tec – special seminars on current topics
The range of activities of rescue services is becoming ever broader and more demanding. Companies are subject to stricter operational management requirements. The safe and proper handling of the equipment is sometimes becoming more complicated - that means further training is more important than ever.
In discussions with customers, the question arose again and again as to whether training courses on product functionality and complex training topics could be offered.
rescue-tec offers seminars and training courses for a wide variety of areas. You can find the current program here.
Sustainability & social responsibility
The founding of the company is based on many years of work in the voluntary fire brigade. Many of our employees also volunteer in social organizations.
In addition, as an entrepreneur, I am aware of the special responsibility I have towards business partners and employees, but also to the preservation and protection of the environment.
Since I personally no longer have the time to "put out fires", I am involved with the intensive support of all employees in these areas:
rescue-tec company brochure
In our company brochure you can find out more about the history and development of our company. For 25 years now, rescue-tec has been a leader in the development and production of extremely robust and operational carrying solutions.
In addition to competent advice from experienced and trained employees, the range of services also includes good accessibility, fast response times, short delivery times due to high storage and accommodating service.
You can download our company brochure here.
fast – competent – reliable
Our company!
rescue-tec - the expert(s) for protective and safety equipment
25 years of experience in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE) for fire brigades, rescue services, police, military, industry and trade. But not only, many individuals are also our regular customers.
Leading in the development and production of extremely robust and operational carrying solutions such as holsters, bags and backpacks. Special fireproof textile, but also special technical solutions for aviation.
In 1997, rescue-tec was one of the first manufacturers who launch bags for firefighters into the market and was leading in the introduction of additional personal equipment.
rescue-tec is professional service for and with the customer at the highest level.
The detailed history of rescue-tec can be found here.
Every year we donate an amount between € 5,000 – € 8,000 to social institutions or disaster areas (instead of many small Christmas presents). This regularly includes the LEBERECHT Foundation, which supports disabled and disadvantaged children, young people and their parents. The nice thing about this foundation is that every euro donated goes to a good cause and nothing is misappropriated for administrative tasks.
We also support a workshop for disabled people, where we have various items from our range manufactured or refined. There are a wide variety of jobs there, depending on the employee's ability, development opportunities, suitability and inclination. Business appointments on site have their very own character and it is a pleasure to experience the warmth of the people.
For the sake of the environmen
An active contribution to climate protection is not to use energy. That's why we take a wide variety of measures to save energy and resources in day-to-day operations. This includes, for example, the complete conversion to LED lighting, the introduction of the paperless office (e-invoices) and the avoidance of unnecessary printouts, the use of energy-efficient devices, building heating using air-heat pumps and rainwater use.
We pack all items well so that the goods survive their journey to you undamaged.
Foils and air cushions have been almost entirely replaced by recycled paper. To protect the environment, rescue-tec meets all the requirements of the packaging ordinance. We are registered with our partner Landbell and of course pay the corresponding fees. You can therefore easily dispose of the entire packaging using the dual system.
Electrical equipment and hazardous goods
In accordance with the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) and the Battery Act (BattG), we are registered with the stiftung elektro-altgeräte register (ear) (DE 59391602 and DE37092025) and pay the corresponding annual fees.
Our warehouse employees regularly take part in hazardous goods training courses and the packaging materials for hazardous goods shipments are approved accordingly.
Employee satisfaction
The health, well-being and support of my employees is important to me. That's why there are no open-plan offices, the spacious workplaces are clean and tidy and equipped with good ergonomic and technical equipment.
Due to a good staffing level and substitutions for all departments during vacation and sickness times, a stress-free work is possible as far as possible.
Teams or individual employees can contribute their own ideas and suggestions, which are often implemented within a few days. Pleasant cross-departmental communication, good teamwork and respectful dealings with colleagues naturally also benefit you as a customer.
Through our own experience, we have become aware that help is not always possible, even if that is basically the core orientation of our company. That's why we've been donating to a hospice and a mobile palliative care team for a number of years. Especially the last step in life should be possible with dignity and beyond that the palliative facilities are a great support for the relatives.
Further donations go to the Limburg animal shelter and a sponsorship with the SOS Children's Villages stands for worldwide help.
Since December 2022 we have been prequalified by the HPQR (Hessian prequalification register for deliveries and services as well as for construction work) and entered in the prequalification database. This confirms that we are considered a competent, efficient and reliable company for public contracts.
In addition to the different self-declarations and proofs of suitability, different references from our customers were submitted. These references confirm that extensive orders have gone smoothly. Many of our long-standing customers are well-known organizations and companies. This includes almost all professional fire brigades in Germany and Austria, the Bundeswehr, the US Army, but also many factory fire brigades, volunteer fire brigades, rescue services and specialist dealers.
Many employees are members of volunteer fire brigades for years and therefore have the relevant operational experience. In 2006, rescue-tec was awarded the title of "Partner of the Fire Service". This includes the release of our employees for missions and for courses at the state fire brigade school.
All this contributes to the fact that there is a very good working atmosphere and that people enjoy working at rescue-tec. This in turn brings the customer, the benefit of friendly, cheerful contacts. We are there for you!
If someone from the team would like to further their education, they will be supported by the management. So that private life is not neglected, there are pleasant working hours with the option of mobile working. The boss always give ear for private problems and helps to find a solution. And if, for example, the kindergarten or school closed, the child can easily be brought to work.
There are probably more areas that we take for granted so much that we won't list them in detail. For example, we are a member of the German Fire Protection Association gfpa (vfdb) and the district fire brigade association Limburg-Weilburg. But above all the company's purpose is to offering practical equipment to make life easier for rescue works.
Jörg Hergenhahn
Die Gesundheit, das Wohlergehen und auch die Förderung der Mitarbeiter ist mir ein wichtiges Anliegen. Deshalb gibt es keine Großraumbüros, die großzügigen Arbeitsplätze sind sauber und ordentlich und mit guter ergonomischer und technischer Ausstattung ausgerüstet.
Durch eine gute Personaldecke und Vertretungen für alle Abteilungen in Urlaubs- und Krankheitszeiten ist weitestgehend ein stressfreies Arbeiten möglich.
Teams oder einzelne Angestellte können ihre eigenen Ideen und Vorschläge einbringen, welche oft innerhalb weniger Tage realisiert werden. Eine angenehme abteilungsübergreifende Kommunikation, gutes Teamwork und ein respektvoller Umgang im Kollegenkreis kommen Ihnen als Kunden natürlich auch zugute.
Wenn sich jemand aus dem Team fortbilden möchte, wird er gerne von der Geschäftsführung unterstützt. Damit das Privatleben nicht zu kurz kommt, gibt es angenehme Arbeitszeiten mit der Option zum mobilen Arbeiten. Bei privaten Problemen hat der Chef immer ein offenes Ohr und hilft eine Lösung zu finden. Und sollte zum Beispiel Kindergarten oder Schule geschlossen sein, kann das Kind problemlos mit zum Arbeitsplatz gebracht werden.
Viele Mitarbeiter sind schon seit Jahren Mitglieder in Freiwilligen Feuerwehren und verfügen daher über entsprechende Einsatzerfahrung. rescue-tec wurde 2006 als "Partner der Feuerwehr" ausgezeichnet. Dazu gehört die Freistellung unserer Mitarbeiter für Einsätze und für Lehrgänge an der Landesfeuerwehrschule.
Dies alles trägt dazu bei, dass ein sehr gutes Arbeitsklima existiert und man gerne bei rescue-tec arbeitet. Das wiederum bringt Ihnen, als Kunde den Gewinn von freundlichen, gut gelaunten Ansprechpartnern, die für Sie da sind!
Wahrscheinlich gibt es noch mehr Bereiche, die für uns so selbstverständlich sind, dass wir sie gar nicht ausführlich aufzählen. So sind wir zum Beispiel Mitglied der Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e. V. (vfdb) und des Kreisfeuerwehrverbands Limburg-Weilburg. Aber über alle dem steht natürlich der Unternehmenssinn und -zweck, praxistaugliche Ausrüstung anzubieten, um Helfern das Leben zu erleichtern.
Jörg Hergenhahn
Inhaber und Geschäftsführer